
Freedom Meditation is open to the public daily for personal meditation practice. Scott sits as facilitator from 7-8am Monday-Friday and 9:30-11am Sunday. Scott is also available to teach you the basics of meditation. Text Scott at 608-769-0292 anytime to set up a time for basic meditation instruction or come to a free class at 9:30 am Sundays, no reservation needed.

If you have an established practice, the studio is open to use at your leisure. It is free to use, but becoming a member is the best way to support the space so we will all have a space to practice moving into the future.

Following is our current weekly schedule:


7-8am: Basic Guided Practice with a sitting facilitator, with a short walking meditation half way through.

8am-7pm: Personal meditation practice. Please enter quietly as others may be practicing. Please consider becoming a member.


10am-3pm: Personal meditation practice


9:30-10am: Intro to Meditation. If you’re a beginner or haven’t sat for a long time, come to this short training Sunday mornings.

10am-11am: Basic Guided Practice with a sitting facilitator, with a short walking meditation half way through.

11am-3pm: Open for personal meditation practice. Please consider becoming a member.

Freedom Meditation can help you begin your meditation practice and start you on the path to mindfulness, mental toughness and freedom of mind and self. There are many kinds of meditation, and the fun of developing a practice is being ready to experiment with different kinds when you are ready and depending on your goals. Contact us or stop during a class time to sit and say hi.